DIY, Celtic Proto Ring Money, Grapes, c. 700-400 BC, 2-Pack!
Copper alloy; both at ca. 20mm/2.5gm
Con/ about As Cast; green patina with earthen fill.
Seller's Note/ Such 'proto money' was used as a trading commodity (currency) before the introduction of struck coins in the Eastern Danube region and the Black sea area by the Celtic tribes and were marketed by their weight. The most common types were simple round rings, while others had a few knobs or lugs that were worn as beads or jewelry in one manner or another.
These rings feature what appears to be four grape clusters (?) perfectly spaced about the circumference and would certainly have been attached to a thong and worn as either a necklace pendent or one of many on a bracelet. Rare, this was ground found in a Celtic settlement south of the River Drava.