Pin Vise with Double End
- 3 1/2 inches long overall
- Holds 0 to 3/32 inch shanks
- Two double headed steel bit holders for a total of four sizes
- Hollow handle allows you to remove the bit holder and nut from one end and use pin vise for wire wrapping
- Use rotary tool accessories by hand
- Hold drill bits, wire & rotary bits
For years I distained the use of a pin vise, mainly becuase I was stubborn and all caught up with our fancy diamond-dusted tools. But, so many of our customers kept asking for them that I finally broke down and bought one to experiment with. Guess what? I was wrong and you folks were right. I hate it when that happens... :-)
This is actually a very cool tool for precise detail work on portraits, reverse images and legends. So far, I've only used some of our diamond-dusted tools in it (P-80, FT 45 and FT55) and they all perform admirably at the given tasks. The ball-tip tools also work great on open fields; just remember to use them in small circles and you'll be okay.
The vise has two collets, as seen in the photo, that hold fast to wire/shank sizes from 0-3/32 inches.
So, if you just starting out on a tight budget or simply looking for a non-powered hand-held tool to hold your DD'd tools, this is the way to go.
Excellent tool - Diamond-dusted tools not included. ;-)