True Premium Uncleaned Roman Coins! Sold out!
Just arrived and with new photos, these special True Premium uncleaned Roman coins were personally ground-found for NRC by our unique crew in the Balkans.
No middle man, zero cherry-picking, and little test-scraping! Any coin that has revealed it's surface is simply from us rinsing off the dust after arrival.
80% of these coins appear to have a sound green patina beneath the dirt and few broken/chipped edges. The sizes range from Sestertius, Dupondius, As, antoninianus, full-sized follies and reduced follies, Æ 2, Æ3 and a minimum of Æ 3/4s.
Most are covered with soft mud, so easy to clean that a blind man could do it, trust me. The coins on top of the pile (seen in the photo) were cleaned with just my fingers rubbing them while wet, the dirt is that soft. Are you kidding me? In this case, all you'll need to clean them is DW, a toothbrush and a common dental pick or scalpel. Other coins will be more challenging to clean. Our opinion is that properly cleaned and restored, nearly all of these coins will clean up to VF or better condition. Look closely as many of these are dark-toned silver denarius or silver plated.
These few coins could turn out to be a 'true treasure hunt'...just like in the old days in the 1990's. Yes, these coins are that sweet. Who will be the next to discover a Dalmatius, Hannibalianus or Vetranio?
As many of these superb issues have exquisite silvering beneath the soft dirt, we highly suggest that you purchase the following tool. From our 30-year experience, such silvered coins can be the very most difficult to clean/restore, that is until we stumbled across these new tools, our Mini-brush 3-pack.
Remember, you're buying at a 'per coin' price.
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