Ave! Imitative Byzantine Follis, Bust of Christ obverse, Rare Æ; 27mm/6.8gm Unofficial (Bulgarian?) mint, ca. 976-1028 AD Prototype Sear Byzantine 1813 Constantinopolis mint Con/…
Ave! Imitative Byzantine Follis, Bust of Christ obverse, Rare Æ; 26mm/6.0gm Unofficial (Bulgarian?) mint, ca. 976-1028 AD Prototype Sear Byzantine 1813 Constantinopolis mint Con/…
Ave, Kings of Parthia, Mithradates II, Horse reverse Æ; 19mm/4.0gm Rhagae mint, ca. 123-88 BC Con/ Struck on a short flan, otherwise, Good…
Ave! Imitative Byzantine Follis, Alexius the First, Rare Æ; 24mm/5.4gm Unofficial (Bulgarian?) mint, ca. 1081-1118? Prototype: Alexius I, 1081-1118, SBCV 1911 Con/ Good Fine …
Ave! Augustus, Fourrée Denarius, Gaius and Lucius reverse Silver plated; 19mm/3.1gm Copying Mint of Lugdunum (Lyon) ca. 2-1 BC? Con/ Look at the…
Ave! Phocas with Leontia, Æ Decanummium, Scarce! Æ 17mm/3.0gm Struck ca. 605-606 AD Con/ Struck on a short flan, otherwise, Very Fine; a…
Ave! Roman Ring Key, circa 1st-2nd Cent AD Copper alloy; 33mm/4.0gm Con/ about As Cast; remarkable and eye-pleasing dark brown patina; cleaned and…
Ave! Gordian III Æ Antoninianus, Fortuna reverse, Antioch issue Æ; 21mm/3.6gm Antioch mint, second series, ca. 242-244 AD. Con/ minor edge chipping, otherwise, about…
Ave! Crusaders, Baldwin II, Holding Cross obverse Æ; 19mm/3.5gm Second reign, 1108-1118 AD - Edessa Mint Con/ Fine; earthen fill. Obv/ Baldwin II, wearing…
Ave! Seleucid, Demetrius II, Apollo reverse, Sharp! Æ; 23mm/11.5gm Demetrius II Nikator 1st reign, Mint of Antioch, Struck ca. 145-138 BC Con/ Very…
Ave! Domitian, Denarius, Minerva Holding Scepter reverse AR; 19mm/3.6gm Rome Mint, ca. 95 AD Con/ Very Fine. Sharply stuck, portrait in the…
Ave! Syria, Gordian III, AR Tetradrachm, Eagle reverse, Outstanding! Silver Plated; 28mm/12.0gm Antioch, Seleucis ad Pieria; Struck c. 240 ADP Con/ Minor doubling,…
Ave! Syria, Seleucia, Caracalla, Tetradrachm, Eagle on Thunderbolt reverse Silver Plated; 26mm/13.5gm City: Seleucia Region: Syria Province: Syria Coele ca. 214- 215 AD Con/ Good…
Ave! Syria, Antioch, Caracalla, Tetradrachm, Eagle on Club Reverse Silver Plated; 27mm/14.9gm City: Antioch Region: Syria Province: Syria Coele ca. 215- 217 AD Con/ Slightly porus, otherwise, Good…
Ave! Syria, Antioch, Caracalla, Tetradrachm, Eagle with Sacrificial Animal reverse Silver Plated; 28mm/13.9gm City: Antioch Region: Syria Province: Syria Coele ca. 214- 215 AD Con/ Good Very Fine;…
Ave! Syria, Caracalla, Tetradrachm, Eagle with Galley Prow reverse! Silver Plated; 27mm/ 12.5gm Syria, Phoenicia, Berytus ca. 213-217 AD Con/ Struck on a…
Ave! Syria, Elagabalus, Tetradrachm, Eagle reverse Silver Plated; 27mm/13.4gm Uncertain tetradrachm mint in Syria, struck ca. AD 218-222 AD Con/ Off center to…
Ave! Syria, Gordian III, AR Tetradrachm, Eagle reverse Silver plated; 26mm/11.7gm Antioch, Seleucis ad Pieria; Struck c. 240 AD Con/ about Extremely Fine.…
Ave! Syria, Gordian III, AR Tetradrachm, Eagle reverse Silver plated; 27mm/11.3gm Antioch, Seleucis ad Pieria; Struck c. 240 AD Con/ Small plating break…
Ave! Domitian, Denarius, Minerva Brandishing Spear and Shield reverse AR; 18mm/3.4gm Rome Mint ca. 88 AD Con/ about Extremely Fine; perfectly centered…